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Owner of Rhythm of Three
Rhythm of Three Handcrafted Jewelry Creations
RHYo3 Logo
Stoney-jr Spiral

 I had an amazing childhood. I had parents who loved me, and I grew up on a little farm in the country with cows and chickens. We had a huge garden and lots of nature to goof around in but still I suffered through physical, mental and emotional traumas. As I grew older, I started searching for ways to heal those traumas. I learned many ways of coping, yet still I needed more tools.  

Tiger Eye Pendent
Throat Chakra Necklace
Trollite Pendent

My search started off like any other, with therapists and psychologists, all wanting to put me on some kind of medication, not offering realistic coping methods, and I decided that this was not the path I wanted to take, especially without being medically diagnosed with any kind of 'condition' like depression, so my search continued. Eventually I heard about equine therapy, this was an awesome tool, and I loved it, but I felt I still needed more, so my equine therapist introduced me to an Amazing lady that offered a variety holistic healing methods along with nutritional suggestions and different supplements. She used a wide array of techniques to help hone-in to specifics. One of which was frequencies and frequency healing. This was working wonders for me. So much so that I invested in the device and continued using the frequencies at home.   

About Me

         I had been using frequency healing for 6 years prior to the idea of infusing jewelry. The idea was suggested to me by the very lady that introduced me to frequency healing.  She said that it was possible to infuse the metal wire and chain that I use to wrap the stone pendants in, with the same frequencies I have     been using on myself, my family, my friends, and even on my kitty that we                                      rescued, who carried a lot of traumas from a severely abusive situation.  

In witnessing his amazing progression, it has solidified the fact that Frequency Can and Does heal and balance and it gave me knowledge and understanding of the way our bodies, minds and emotions can be positively influenced.
I loved the thought of being able to share this amazing new concept with those who actively seek out new and innovative ways to improve their lives, balance their minds and heal from all wounds. So I created Rhythm of Three ~ Handcrafted ~Jewelry ~Creations ~ featuring Frequency Infused Jewelry
 Frequency Healing is an amazing tool and can help you begin your journey. You will start to feel better immediately, however, when you are healing from a lifetime, lifetimes and even generational wounds, it can take a little time.  It takes effort on your part to be consistent and to continue in your healing processes. By no means should you stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you by a medical doctor.
Be patient with yourself.  I am here to help you heal and balance. 
By using the trauma and depression frequencies consistently with him,
Teeg Before Frequency
He has gone from having high anxiety, cowering, non-trusting, and always hiding
Teeg After Frequency
To being  a trusting, loving, cuddly, pet me, spoil me, ‘boss of the house’ type of Cat.

What Inspired the Creation of ‘Rhythm of Three?’

Hi Im Teeg

Giving Back

Angel Ribbon Pendent
There is one more aspect to Rhythm of Three, I am a huge believer in giving something back, so I created our Cause and Awareness Ribbon
Key-chains. There are a few different ones to choose from and 20% of the sale of each key-chain goes to a charity listed with the Key-chains.

Click the View Details Button Below.
Pink Ribbon Pendent
Blue Ribbon Pendent
Green Ribbon Pendent
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