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Before we get started, I need to stress that Frequency Healing is the kind of thing that can work immediately but your own personal healing is a process, and it takes time! Be patient with yourself! Now, if you are ready, it's time to begin your journey into the world of Frequency Healing, let’s get started choosing your frequency. For those new to frequency healing, check out the Starter Kit Trio below.

Mascot Stoney Jr. Peach Cartoon Chameleon


Mascot Stoney Jr. Green Cartoon Chameleon
Mascot Stoney Jr. Blue Cartoon Chameleon
Starter Kit Trio

If you are new to Frequency Healing, I recommend that you begin with the Starter Kit Trio. The kit includes 3 separate necklaces that have the 3 separate frequencies which are needed to clear out toxins, regain emotional balance and then a deep bioenergetic balancing of the body’s energy field. The First necklace is made from Clear Quartz and has been infused with the 'Bioenergetic Cleanse' frequency. The Second necklace is Lapis Lazuli and has been infused with the 'For the Soul' frequency. The Third necklace is Banded Amethyst and has been infused with the 'To Balance' frequency

BI1~Bioenergetic Cleanse~

This is the perfect frequency sequence choice for a first-time frequency user because it starts clearing the energetic field so recovery can be easier. The bioenergetic cleanse helps the energy field recover from effects of environmental pollutants, toxins, not intaking the proper nutrients, and other negative factors. It helps trigger the release of 'old ways'. Clearing the way for the New.

ME1~To Balance~ 

Ideal for deep bioenergetic balancing of the body's energy field. The fine balance of different body functions is very important for our wellbeing and health. Balance refers to the bio energetic balance of the kidneys, lymphatic system, circulation and balancing the hormones.

SMP1~For The Soul~

This frequency is designed to help jumpstart your journey into regaining your emotional understanding and balancing the soul.


Physical Frequencies

BI1 ~Bioenergetic Cleanse~

This is the perfect frequency sequence choice for a first-time frequency user because it starts clearing the energetic field so recovery can be easier. The bioenergetic cleanse helps the energy field recover from effects of environmental pollutants, toxins, not intaking the proper nutrients, and other negative factors. It helps trigger the release  of the 'old ways'. Clearing the way for the New. 

BI2 ~Strengthen~ 

A weakened bioenergetic field is a reason for many chronic and acute diseases. To strengthen your energy field, use appropriate exercise, healthy nutrition, and drink lots of water. Preventing a multitude of bioenergetic disorders, the frequency sequence of Strengthen can help you increase your want to exercise, eat right, and drink lots of Water.

BI3 ~For Energy~

The frequency sequence in this option helps to support your performance needs. If you're a manager who needs a little energy boost, this option is for you. If you are an athlete and need a little energetic boost, this option is for you. In any situation where you are needing an energetic boost. This option is for you!

BI4 ~Anti-Stress~

Relaxing anti-stress effect. Stress is often the cause of imbalances in the body and of hyperacidity. And many diseases are caused by continuous stress. A lot of times we cannot let go of our daily sorrows and stresses. This option offers the frequency sequence to help destress.

BI5 ~Pain Release~

This option helps you release physical pain. Often caused by hyperacidity of the tissue. Working systemically in the Bioenergetic Field of the body it is possible to release that pain no matter where its’ location in the body.

BI6 ~Migraine Relief~

This option helps to relieve the pain of migraines.

BI7 ~Sleep Aid~

The frequency sequence of this option targets the central nervous system, supportive to sleep issues such as insomnia.

BI8 ~Immune~

This frequency sequence is an activation of the body's bioenergetic defense system, it activates and strengthens your immune system to protect you against foreign bodies.

BI9 ~Colds~

This option helps to bioenergetically calm the mucus membranes.

BI10 ~Allergic~

This option is a bioenergetically balances your allergic


BI11 ~The Nerve~

The frequency sequence in this option bio energetically

regulates the nervous system.

BI12 ~Flexible~

This option offers bioenergetic mobilization of the joints.

BI13 ~Circulation~

This option is a frequency sequence that can bioenergetically

stimulate the body's energy supply.

BI14 ~Delta Sleep~

Bioenergetic optimized changing into the

deep sleep or ‘delta state’

BE1 ~Rested Sleep~

Bioenergetic promotion of

parasympathetic functions (recovery & relaxation)


 Physical Body 
(Both External ~ Internal) 

Mental And Emotional

ME1 ~To Balance~

Ideal for deep bioenergetic balancing of the body's energy field. The fine balance of different body functions is very important for our wellbeing and health. Balance refers to the bio energetic balance of the kidneys lymphatic system circulation and hormones.


ME2 ~Depression~

Feeling some depression? The frequency sequence option targets the central nervous system and helps relieve feelings of depression.


ME3 ~Anxiety~

The frequency sequence of this option again targets the central nervous system helping to relieve feelings of anxiety.


ME4 ~Remember~

This frequency sequence is an energetic stimulation of brain metabolism; it can help with your memory.


ME5 ~Create~

For all creative types out there, this frequency sequence can help activate your Creativity.


ME6 ~Mood-Up~ 

This option supports mood improvement via cranial stimulation. In other words, the frequency sequence can help uplift your mood.


ME7 ~Activate~ 

The frequency sequence in this option is a bioenergetic stimulation of mental clarity. Will help you think clearly in situations where mental clarity is extremely important.


ME8 ~Think Positively~ 

The frequency sequence in this option Produces an energetic orientation towards positive thoughts.


ME9 ~Emotions~

This option is an energetic balancing of emotional



ME10 ~Good Feelings~ 

This frequency sequence is an energetic activation of

confidence when you feel dejected.


ME11 ~Be-Well Soul~ 

This option offers energetic balancing to support

the avoidance of compulsive behavior.


ME12 ~Balanced Mind~

This frequency sequence supports mental balance

by stimulating your mind.


Spiritual Metaphysical Psyche

SMP1 ~For the Soul~

This Option is for helping to balance your soul. I am in firm my knowledge that your soul holds your emotions. So, to regain your emotional balance, this option would be best for you.


SMP2 ~Life Energy~ 

This option How's the Frequency sequence to energetically activate life energy. It is the perfect option for anyone


SMP3 ~Internal Strength~

Energetic Promotion of self-confidence when you feel anxious.


SMP4 ~Unify~

This frequency sequence option is an energetic reorganization of the sense of psychic wholeness


SMP5 ~Inner Beauty~

Supporting the Coherence and expression of the energetic field


SMP6 ~Energetic Field~

General protection of the Energetic Field


SMP7 ~Electro-sensitivity (EMF)~

Energetic balancing of the tolerance of so called “electro-smog”


SMP8 ~Mental~

Energetic promotion of clear perception capacity


SMP9 ~Sleep Protection~

Energetic protection during sleep


SMP10 ~Geopathy~

Energetic reduction of sensitivity to interference fields


SMP11 ~Subtle~

Energetic protection against external influence


SMP12 ~Planets~

Harmonizing the influences of the planets



C1 ~Root~ 

Energetic harmonization of the topics of the root chakra and activation of basic trust


C2 ~Sacral~  

Energetic harmonization of the topics of Sacral Chakra and stimulation of creativity


C3 ~Solor Plexus~

Energetic harmonization of the topics of the solar plexus chakra and strengthening of self~ confidence.



Energetic harmonization of the topics of the heart chakra and stimulation of balanced empathy



Energetic harmonization of the topics of the throat chakra and promotion of constructive communication


C6 ~THIRD EYE~    

Energetic harmonization of the topics of the third eye chakra and strengthening of intuition.


C7 ~CROWN~  

Energetic harmonizations of the topic of the Crown Chakra and connection to the higher self

 Clear Quartz: 

This stone is known among all the worlds’ cultures, tribes, healers, and Crystal enthusiasts to have the most healing potential known to humankind. This Clear Stone, believed by the Greeks and Romans, to be an eternal ice sent by the Gods, and by the Ancient Japanese, as a stone formed by the White Dragon’s breath (a representation of perfection). Even up until just before the Sixteen Hundreds, Scholars thought it could be Fossilized Ice. Most cultures Recognize Crystal Quartz as A Universal Crystal and A Master Healing Stone because of its ability to Heal any area: The Body (Resonates the most with Bones and Joints). The Mind (By helping to stabilize and bring harmony to your thoughts during Emotional Processing). The Chakras (works on all Chakras, yet Clear Quarts is best when working with the Crown Chakra). Over the centuries healers from all over the world have treated Crystal Quartz with honor and reverence. Contained within this Crystal is the ability to accept programing, de-programing and reprograming for use in any ceremony or with any intention you need to use it for. In fact, Quartz comes in so many different variations that it has demanded recognition throughout history. With forms that are glass clear, come in clusters or alone, along with Inclusions such as Rutile and Tourmaline, all of them ranging in colors along the wholes spectrum of the rainbow, if You need a Stone that can amplify any Frequency and give a boost to any other Crystal go no further than Crystal Quartz.

Clear Quartz Spikes and Teardrops

 Crystals and Their Uses: 

Small Rose Quartz Spikes

 Rose Quartz: 

There are several cultures that see Rose Quartz as the stone of love. This stone not only helps establish love in the romantic sense but also in unconditional care and love for self, for others, and for the universe. Carrying this soft pink Crystal helps to open the heart chakra. Once opened it continues to re-enforce that opening by boosting feelings of unconditional love towards all things. Rose quartz is a stone that can bring in a state of emotional well-being in relationships with self and others. If a room needs the purity of love such as your sleeping area, places where food is made and/or eaten, or a place that induces high stress (e.g., your car or office space) place a larger piece somewhere in that room. Just as Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz can be Programed De-Programed and Re-Programed to fit any need or intention although, reacts to true acts and intentions of love more powerfully. If love is something you wish to receive in yourself or from others, towards the universe or your higher power or all-around wish to feel love unconditionally Rose Quartz is the choice to make.


Citrine is known as the Crystal of the Sun and is a part of the Quartz family, bringing into being the same radiant warmth, positive energy and joy that the sun provides. Coming in shades of orange, like the morning sun, to bright yellows, like the midday sun, this Crystal is well known as a soothing comfort when meditating on opening the Solor Plexus Chakra helping you establish feelings of Self Confidence. It is said to enhance Creativity, Vitality, Motivation and Encourages Joy, raising the vibration of your Energy Field to a level not unlike the joy found on a calm sunny day or using your favorite tool to make something perfect. In Manifestation this Crystal is known as the “Merchants Stone”. Named so because it is believed to attract abundance, wealth and success in any endeavor be it business, art, or building relationships (which a true Merchant needs all three). Physically this Crystal can help stimulate the digestive tract and help with balancing blood flow. It is also known to help the Hormone producing organs and providing health in glands such as the Thyroid and Lymph Nodes. So, if you need a ray of Light in your Dark world or a beam of Hope to Guide you then Citrine is the Torch in the void of the Your Black Tunnels

Citrine Pieces 
Banded/Chevron Amethyst Spikes

 Banded Amethyst: 

Also known as Chevron Amethyst the banding in this Crystal is known to hold many other colors of Milky Quartz such as White, Green, and Orange. While this Crystal is perfect for the Third Eye Chakra, opening and maintaining both Psychic and Physical vision the color promoted in the banding will also help the matching Chakra. For instance, if the banding is Green this Crystal can Assist you in finding out if others intend to do something out of Self-Less or Selfish intent. In all aspects Banded Amethyst is said to promote to the Psyche; a Higher State of Consciousness, Improved Memory; Long-Term, Short-term, Learning, and Retaining, Help coping with the Combination of Depression and Anxiety and bringing a sense of balance back into your life. It can also assist in overcoming addictions and toxic thinking. Physically this crystal is said to help Bring Harmony to your bodies Supply Systems (e.g. Circulatory, Oxygen, Digestion, Nervous), Assisting the Immune System in beating all forms of Sickness including Parasites, with blood flow, specifically the smallest of blood vessels and capillaries, to help with healing skin conditions of all kinds from wrinkles to scar tissue and burns. If you need the Crystal best suited to protect your Mind, Body, or Soul from the darkness both within and outside of you then the Banded Amethyst is a good place to start.

 Green Crazy Lace Agate: 

Crazy Lace Agate in general is known as the “laughter stone” or the “Happy Lace” Agate. Found in Mexico this stone resonates with the Teachings and Energy of the Toltec, and is known to effect Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras, depending on the color. This Lacy Crystal is one to look for if you need Laughter and Joy in Your Life or in your Living Room during a get together or party. It is said to be a Balancing Stone best used when you need learn how to go with the flow and not swim against the current. Spiritually It is a stone of protection believed to ward off the “evil eye” (jealous looks or bad intentions). Mentally it is said to absorb emotional pain -as well as increase energy and improve concentration. Using this stone is recommended or when you need Relief or Acceptance from Childhood Trauma and. The green Quality of the Lacy Agate I have to offer will help deepen your connection to your Heart Chakra and Working to repair the relationship you have with yourself. All in all, if you Believe laughter is the best medicine for your being look no further than this Crazy Lace Agate.


Lapis Lazuli: 

Sought after for more than Six Thousand years Lapis Lazuli has a variety of uses. Throughout time there have been cultures that have used this Stone of the Sky as a symbol of honor and loyalty, decorated the Sarcophagi of the Ancient Egyptians. Crushed by the Greeks, this glittering stone became a stunning eye makeup with centuries between during the renaissance that same powder mixed into a paint used by Michelangelo named Ultramarine to paint the Sistine Chapel. Often called Stone of Truth knowledge Lapis is the stone used most when opening and clearing the Throat Chakra, stimulating the desire for truth, and understanding so that both your written and spoken words become loving, caring, and honest. When used in combination with the Third Eye Chakra the connection you gain in the dream time can begin or become stronger with your life guide. There is also a belief that Lapis has a way of detecting psychic attacks and will send those attacks back to their original source. This can be a great stone for everyone who feels that they cannot express themselves without holding back or compromising. When used in cogitative therapy session Lapis proves its strength by helping those with neurodivergent brain development such as Autism and Aspergers, promoting self-awareness, providing them with accepting themselves by lowering their self-resentment. If you are in search of more opportunities to utilize your gifts and abilities to harmonize your relationships in both yourself and the others around you, then this Stone of the Sky can guide you to the answers.

Rainbow Amazonite:

Need a little more courage in life? Holding out for a day when you find less reasons to find faults in yourself, without anger taking over reason? The blue-green reflections of Amazonite can heal the wounds and end the war in yourself. Legends of the Greek Amazon mention shields with this stone embedded around the rim and was not meant to make the protective shield stronger. Instead, they would rub the stone on the wound to prevent infection. All colors and shades of Amazonite are meant to instill courage, compassion, and hope, pushing you to balance the Chaos and Harmony inside you. From the well-known Turquoise Green, to Yellow as well as Dark Grey, Amazonite rejuvenates the Heart Chakra helping reduce self-neglect. The Throat Chakra can clear, giving you freedom from damaging self-talk. This is a stone well known to harmonize the Ying Yang energies inside gently nudging our Mirror Neurons to willing see another’s point of view. With this new balance, see both sides of the issue, push back loneliness and resolve the issue at hand. Your body will have an easier time healing after sickness and injury as well, providing your Throat and Thyroid Gland with better function. Become healthy, continue wearing the stone and it can become a shield to defend you from another illness. Amazonite is the choice for you if you wish to live with balance, magnify your intentions and remove the clouds over the sandy beaches of the vast ocean within.


Tiger's Eye:

Mysterious in nature, Tiger’s Eye was both honored and feared as an all-seeing all-knowing eye. The owners of this stone believed the stone itself granted gifts of observation and remote viewing. In the Eastern cultures it was an honored symbol of those who wielded power without abusing their station. Romans would carry it to guard them from malicious intent. Tiger’s Eye, believed by most cultures, protected against Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual negatives such as accidents, harmful words, stressful energies, and dark entities. This is a stone that heals by teaching the mind, body, and spirit balance by observation. It heals physically by starting with the endocrine system, equalizing hormone levels so both sides of the brain harmonize. When stabilized nutrients from the Lungs and Stomach enter the blood stream supplying the body faster allowing the body to feel healthier. With the body’s needs met, the mind finds it easier to separate wants from needs, helping in the struggle to make positive lifestyle changes. The dull brown layered between glowing yellow leads the spirit towards understanding that we must experience Darkness so that Light has meaning. That you are free to make your own choices along with everyone else. Tigers Eye has a way of freeing the mind from the box and helping us push past our fears so that decisions come from clear thinking. Tiger Eye supports Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras so that we move confidently in our physical bodies, flexible in our choices and live without fear of living in the shadows of others. If you have a feeling that you are not safe enough to rest in the jungle of your own mind, then the Tiger Eye is the best choice to watch your back.

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